What is telehealth?
Telehealth is the use of HIPAA-compliant technology to conduct a remote physical therapy session. You may also hear telehealth referred to as "telemedicine," "virtual visits," or "remote sessions."
Why would I choose telehealth instead of an in-person visit?
The most obvious reason at the moment is due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially pertinent for those who are more medically at risk, or live with someone who is.
But also, telehealth is an excellent option for individuals who may not be able to get to the clinic during open hours, are limited by child care or work schedules, cannot or do not want to travel to the clinic, or those who may need a quick screen or modification to their home program that does not necessitate an in-person visit.
Does my insurance cover telehealth?
Per Governor Pritzker's executive order on March 19th 2020, telehealth visits must be covered by private insurance providers.
What will happen at my first visit?
Like any other initial visit, we will discuss your reason for seeking out therapy, your symptoms, and your goals. I will talk you through a series of assessments. Then together we will determine the best plan for your care, and begin treatment.
I need pelvic floor therapy- Is telehealth an option for me?
Yes, it is! Even in person, not all pelvic health assessments and treatments involve an internal exam. A telehealth visit is absolutely an option for someone who is seeking pelvic health therapy.